The Zettelkasten system is a method of note-taking and personal knowledge management used by some academics and writers. The term is German for “slip box” and is based on storing and categorizing one’s research and thoughts on individual slips of paper, each containing one idea, and storing them in a box.

Here’s a more detailed explanation:
Singular Ideas: Each note in the system is supposed to represent a single, atomic idea. This means each note isn’t a collection of related thoughts, but is instead focused on one core idea or piece of information.
Linking: Notes in the Zettelkasten system are heavily interlinked. When you create a new note, you should also go through your existing notes and link it with any that are related. This helps build a web of knowledge where the connections between ideas are as important as the ideas themselves.
Identification: Each note is given a unique identifier, often a number or alphanumeric string. This is used to link notes together. Many Zettelkasten users prefer a system where the identifier indicates the note’s place in the overall structure of the box.
Keyword Indexing: Each note should also be indexed by keywords. This lets you quickly find all notes related to a particular topic. The Zettelkasten method differs from other note-taking systems in that it doesn’t organize notes by topic or category, but rather by their links to each other and their identifiers.
Fleeting, Literature, and Permanent Notes: The Zettelkasten method also involves a progression from fleeting notes (temporary notes taken while reading or thinking), to literature notes (notes taken about a specific piece of literature), to permanent notes (notes which have been processed and are placed in the Zettelkasten with links to other notes).
The Zettelkasten system was famously used by the sociologist Niklas Luhmann, who claimed that it allowed him to write his extensive works with ease because the system served as an “external memory” for him. He’d just explore the links between his notes until he found a path that seemed to produce an interesting line of thought.
In modern times, you don’t have to use physical paper and boxes for this system. There are now digital tools and apps designed for the Zettelkasten method.
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